Grounded in Artificial Intelligence (specifically Constraint Programming), Spatial Planning, and Landscape Ecology, my research focuses on developing and applying innovative approaches to provide decision support for sustainable socio-ecosystem management. In this era of global change, we need more than ever to move towards more sustainable societies. Because underlying challenges are numerous, complex, and intertwined, we need advanced decision-support methods to explore and identify sustainable trajectories for tomorrow’s societies. My research activities are committed to this with a strong focus on tropical forest socio-ecosystems. My current areas of study and partnership are the forest socio-ecosystems of the Republic of Guinea, the restoration of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor in Panama, and the conservation and restoration of New Caledonian forests.

You can contact me by mail at: dimitri.justeau<at>

Research experiences

  • October 2022 - todayResearcher, IRD / AMAP Lab, Montpellier, France.

  • May 2022 - September 2022Independent researcher, Monptellier, France.

  • May 2021 - May 2022Postoctoral researcher, IAC / AMAP Lab, Noumea, New Caledonia.

  • February 2021 - April 2021Independent researcher, Montpellier, France.

Teaching experience

  • 2018 -2020Part-time teacher, University of Montpellier, University Institute of Technology of Montpellier, France.

  • 2013 - 2014Instructor for adults, Solthis NGO, Conakry, Guinea.


  • 2017 - 2020PhD, Conservation planning, University of Montpellier, Cirad, IAC, AMAP Lab, Montpellier, France.

  • 2009 - 2013MSc, Computer science for decision support, IMT Mines Atlantique, Nantes, France.

  • 2011International academic exchange, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.

  • 2008 -2009Scientific preparatory class, Lycée Georges Clémenceau, Nantes, France.

  • 2008Scientific Baccalaureate (A-Level), Lycée Georges Clémenceau, Nantes, France.

Other professional experiences

  • February 2017 - October 2017Freelance developer, Montpellier, France.

  • 2015 - 2017Computer scientist, IAC, Noumea, New Caledonia.

  • 2013 - 2014Health information systems project manager, Solhis NGO, Conakry, Guinea.


Journal articles

  • Deléglise H, Justeau-Allaire D, Mulligan M, Espinoza JC, Isasi-Catalá E, Alvarez C, Condom T, Palomo I (2024). Integrating multi-objective optimization and ecological connectivity to strengthen Peru’s protected area system towards the 30*2030 target. Biological Conservation, 299, 110799.

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Ibanez T, Vieilledent G, Lorca X, Birnbaum P (2024). Refining intra-patch connectivity measures in landscape fragmentation and connectivity indices. Landscape Ecology 39(24).

  • Justeau‐Allaire D, Hanson JO, Lannuzel G, Vismara P, Lorca X, Birnbaum P (2023). restoptr: an R package for ecological restoration planning. Restoration Ecology. e13910.

  • Birnbaum P, Ibanez T, Blanchard G, Justeau-Allaire D, Hequet V, Eltabet N, Vieilledent G, Barbier N, Barrière R, Bruy D (2023). Forest and tree species distribution on the ultramafic substrates of New Caledonia. Botany Letters.

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Blanchard G, Ibanez T, Lorca X, Vieilledent G, Birnbaum P (2022). Fragmented landscape generator (flsgen): A neutral landscape generator with control of landscape structure and fragmentation indices. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 13, 1412–1420.

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Prud’homme C (2022). Global domain views for expressive and cross-domain constraint programming. Constraints.

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Vieilledent G, Rinck N, Vismara P, Lorca X, Birnbaum P (2021). Constrained optimization of landscape indices in conservation planning to support ecological restoration in New Caledonia. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58(4), 744-754.

  • Justeau-Allaire D. (2021). Planification systématique de la conservation basée sur les contraintes, une approche générique et expressive : Application à l’aide à la décision pour la conservation des forêts de Nouvelle-Calédonie. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 349, 107‑108.

  • Schmitt S, Pouteau R, Justeau D, Boissieu F, Birnbaum P (2017). ssdm : An r package to predict distribution of species richness and composition based on stacked species distribution models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(12), 1795‑1803.

International conferences articles

  • Justeau-Allaire D (2023). AI and Decision Support for Sustainable Socio-Ecosystems. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23), 6370–6377.

  • Challand M, Vismara P, Justeau-Allaire D, Tourdonnet S (2023). Supporting Sustainable Agroecological Initiatives for Small Farmers through Constraint Programming. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-23), 5924–5931.

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Vismara P, Birnbaum P, Lorca X (2019). Systematic Conservation Planning for Sustainable Land-use Policies : A Constrained Partitioning Approach to Reserve Selection and Design. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-19), 5902‑5908.

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Birnbaum P, Lorca X (2018). Unifying Reserve Design Strategies with Graph Theory and Constraint Programming. In J. Hooker (Éd.), Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP-18), 507‑523.

International conferences abstracts

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Lannuzel G, Hanson JO, Vieilledent G, Birnbaum P (2022). Ecological restoration planning of fragmented tropical vegetation: an example from New Caledonia’s mining areas. European Conference of Tropical Ecology 2022.

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Rink N, Lorca X, Couture E, Birnbaum P (2019). Systematic conservation planning in New Caledonia : Supporting sustainable land-use policies with reserve selection models. Island Biology 2019.

  • Birnbaum P, Ibanez T, Pouteau R, Vandrot H, Hequet V, Blanchard G, Girardi J, Justeau-Allaire D, Cassan J-J (2019). Do endemic trees flora make endemic forests? Insights from New Caledonian forests. Island Biology 2019.

National conferences articles

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Prud’Homme C (2022). Vues de domaine globales. JFPC/PFIA 2022 - Journées Francophones de la Programmation par Contraintes/Plate-Forme d’Intelligence Artificielle.

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Vismara P, Birnbaum P, Lorca X (2020). Partitionnement de l’espace sous contraintes : Un modèle générique et expressif pour la planification de la conservation. ROADEF 2020 - Actes du 21ème congrès annuel de la société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision.

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Birnbaum P, Lorca X (2019). Unifier les stratégies de sélection de réserve avec la programmation par contraintes et les graphes. JFPC 2019 - Actes des 15es Journees Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, 27‑29.

International conference posters

  • Justeau-Allaire D, Birnbaum P, Lorca X (2018). Unifying Reserve Design Strategies with Graph Theory and Constraint Programming. In J. Hooker (Éd.), Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (p. 507‑523). Springer International Publishing.

  • Cissé M, Diallo MS, Tidiane CT, Kpamou C, Justeau D, Dortenzio E, Ndawinz JD (2015). Impact of the Ebola outbreak on the quality of care of people living with HIV taking antiretroviral treatment at Donka National Hospital in Conakry, Guinea. In Proceedings of the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (pp. 23-26).


  • Birnbaum P, Hequet V, Girardi J, Vandrot H, Mangeard T, Ibanez T, Blanchard E, Pouteau R, Blanchard G, Justeau-Allaire D, Vieilledent G, Cassan J-J (2021). Atlas de la forêt, Province Nord – Nouvelle-Calédonie. Editions de la Province Nord, Kohné.




  • Interdisciplinary Thesis Awards of The Doctoral College of the University of Montpellier, promotion 2020.